Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Saturday was Summer Stampede day. Finally.

A slightly iffy start - first forgetting my phone, then forgetting to take G's key when I went back to get it. Two quick bus rides and one woken housemate later, we were reunited and off to Stratford.

After the most almighty (official) detour around Olympic Park, we settled on the astroturf for a picnic. An afternoon of music (Bear's Den, Haim, Edward Sharpe, Ben Howard, Vampire Weekend, and eventually Mumford & Sons) in the sun, with a few cold bevvies and some lovely people. Could not have been better.

The journey home was interesting - a crush at the gate, the busiest tube I've ever been on in my life (complete with giant bird-sized moth flying around our heads), a very uncomfortable coach ride, sunburn and an early-kicking-in of hangover.

Thankfully I had the memory of Mumford and their guests closing the day with an incredible round of Fleetwood Mac. Nothing could spoil that.

(More here)

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