The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline

A Lone Tree

I am really loving this beautiful weather we are currently having and crossing my fingers for it to last.

Today was a wee bit of a weird day at work as the office we normally work from was evacuated so I took my team and we relocated to a meeting room in Central London. This meant we could enjoy some lunch in Paternoster Square with the beautiful St Paul's behind us.

I still had a bit of a stomach upset but I think it is slowly getting better. I'm just really conscious of what I am eating and alcohol really seems to be a bad idea.

After work I took a walk to Farringdon Station and walked through Smithfields. Just around that area I came across this tree and taken from this direction it does look quite alone. Behind on the wall is a Plaque marking the fact that William Wallace came to his end in this locale.

Walking through Smithfields is always an interesting experience as there is always this scent of meat. In the morning all the butchers are wheeling their wares in and the scent is much stronger. Having just seen the plaque re Wallace and then walking into the stench (well it wasn't too bad) I do always wonder why on earth meat markets would sprout up in an area that was a site of executions and burnings for centuries. For some reason this thought always occurs to me as I pass. It is an area quite steeped in history and it is nice to walk around.

A wee bit of London history.

Wow, there is quite a bit of blether there in this post, huh?

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