
By antipodean

Negative space

I spent some time in the garden wondering if there was going to be a proper sunset and watching Tibbles climb all over the roof. We didn't really get a nice sunset, but I got some nice photos anyway.

I had a doctors appointment again this morning, and it feels like we're maybe getting closer to some kind of diagnosis. I've felt crap for so long that it feels normal now, but it's really encouraging to have a doctor tell you that you shouldn't feel crap everyday and that she wants to fix it. I got a bit emotional when she told me that, because I really, really want to stop feeling crap.

Not much got done the rest of today. I'm worried I'm coming down with something, and since I've got a crazy few weeks leading up to the beginning of semester I'm trying not to tire myself out or get sick. I skipped boxing and snuggled up on the couch to watch the first episode of The Great Australian Bake Off. It's not as good as British Bake Off (my all time favourite cooking show in the entire world) but it wasn't as awful as it could have been.

I like the negative space in this one. It's soothing, for some reason. It's just the sky and the arial, no trees or houses or chimneys. That feels unusual in the crowded inner city.

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