
By antipodean


I'm not sure how happy I am with this photo. I went down to the farm but felt very uninspired (unusual given how much I love it there!) and nothing looked right when I photographed it.

I had a lazy, lazy morning before rushing off to an appointment this afternoon. Mum and I met for tea and cake afterwards, and felt very civilised. We were in a lovely cafe/providore type place, so of course I got distracted by all the organic fancy goodies. This led to a mooch round the health shop down the road, and I had to restrain myself from buying all sorts of random health foods. Health food shops are just as exciting to me as bakeries, which I now realise is a bit odd.

My walk down to the farm was actually just supposed to be me popping down to the river but I kept walking because I couldn't find anything to take photos of.

This is quite a nice photo, but it's kind of boring. And also quite similar to yesterday's, with the negative space and the dusky sky. Oh well! Not every day can be a photo day.

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