The Light

Common - The Light

No words today. Just feeling and the hope that when you reach out...

Chatted with my folks on Skype for the first time today, and like always, they just listened and like always, they give me unconditional love. I'm fortunate and eternally grateful. Cultivation of the ones closest to you is necessary. Thankfulness for the roots of your very being is necessary... because all will be forgotten in time so hopefully beforehand we can make it better for everyone with affirmation and acknowledgement.

Feed love to those when you can. You don't have to spend money, but you have to spend worthwhile energy and spirit because it was given to you for that purpose. Pass on the love and allow people to love in the way that's right for them. This is ultimately better than giving love to people for yourself. Give, give and give. And when you are exhausted, recover and give again.

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