
By stujphoto

Lost in our own world

I went into town today to meet my son for lunch and had a nice meal at a Japanese bistro bar, something I have not done for years.

I thought I would have a go at a bit of street photography which is not difficult in Ediniburgh just now as the city is full of tourists. I am afraid I used the coward's way of doing candids, wandering along with my compact camera in my hand at waist level just clicking away as I walked up and down the Princes Street Gardens. Initially I had some problems pointing the camera at the right level and maintaining it at the horizontal. I found it much easier to do shooting to my right than my left just because of the location of the shutter button. I had done a couple of of ten minute walks and then discovered to my horror that I had somehow managed to delete all of my images. So I set off again. You really do not know what you got until until you have chance to review them. I'm sure next time I will be able to make improvements to my technique.

Looking through the shots I felt it was crucial to avoid shots where the people looked at all vulnerable even though those might be among the more interesting shots and only pick those that allowed people reasonable dignity. Mind you on a hot day we all look a bit the worse for wear ! I chose this one because all five individulals are totally lost in their own worlds

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