
By Lizimagiz

Meadowbank Bridge

The Meadowbank Bridge spans the Taylor River and is the main access into the Meadowbank Station and vineyards. It is only single lane and has a weight restriction on it. It has a wooden planking deck and is supported on very strong steel and concrete piles. There are steel girders under the wooden decking. The bridge has to be strong as large articulated stock trucks and grape harvesters and heavy trucks carrying the grapes use it at different times of the year.
There are very large concrete stepping stones across the river right under the bridge. These provide access to the true left bank for walkers, dogs and mountain bikers except in times of high river flow. If the steeping stones are covered with water then folk are able to use the bridges itself.
Some of the stepping stones are very slippery at present...there is no way I will risk using them.
Fergus is looking contemplatively at the river itself. As well he might as five minutes earlier he rolled in very sloppy offensive material and it was all around his neck like a necklace. I'm guessing it originated from the rear end of a horse.
So he had an emergency bath/clean-up in the river. Both dogs thought it great fun, running in and out of the water and barking wildly as I threw in stones to lure them into the deeper pools. Anyway it worked a treat...after I had rinsed him off. There was no need to shampoo him back at home. Just as well as although there was a frost of sorts, no white showing but frozen ground, the garden tap and hose was frozen.
I will be on the watch-out as we walk that way in the next few days.

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