
Just a lamp in the lounge, taken from the inside into late afternoon winter sun.

I didn't feel 100% last night and I listened to my body today. Just a quiet day at home. I ventured to the supermarket for enough stuff to get me through the next few days, majoring on oranges and veges for soup. My body knows what I need.

Sweeping the front steps and path was my exercise for the day. I've sat quietly and the fur child has enjoyed extended cuddles. Now I'm going to slope off to bed to read and have a catch up with Mum.

I expect to be at work tomorrow and I might even take the car. Not so much because I'm ailing, more because I have my 2 yearly mammogram in the afternoon. The timing puts me into 4 or 5 sections of road traffic at the same time as after school Mum picking up their little darlings at the start of the holidays.

On a bike the worst drivers (after anyone driving a black 4 wheel drive) is Mothers on an after school mission. They transform into potential killers.

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