"Camp, by the right, dismiss"

Picked Matthew and his pal, Fraser, up from camp this afternoon. Sounds like they had a great time and they got to experience camping in all kinds of weather from brilliant sunshine to thunderstorms - and of course, rain. Matthew apparently slept with his head out the tent both nights. I have my own theory about the reasons for that. Well, would you want to share a tent with several 9 year old boys?

Later on, we took Fraser home to his house where Lindsey and Iain had prepared a lovely dinner for us all. We sat outside in the garden for a while, enjoying the evening sunshine. And then the thunderstorm (well, all except Lindsey who can't stand them). And then it rained. Made me think of that old saying, "If you don't like the weather, don't worry. There'll be something else along soon."

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