Best friends

Have had an absolutely lovely day with family again. It was my niece's 3rd birthday party and it was really quite frantic when James and I got there. Laura, my step-sister and her husband, Adam, had hired a bouncy castle and there were loads of little 'uns running around with a number of bemused looking adults around and about. Adam is fantastic at entertaining the kids, and Laura is just so well organised it beggars belief - food, drinks, party games, face painting ...

After the official party ended, and the kids went home, we were left with Dad and Ann, Leah (laura's best friend), Laura, Ad, baby stanley, Eve, James and myself.

Water pistols came out and the 'adults' (including Granny Annie) were having as much fun as James and Eve, running around, soaking each other. It could have been carnage, but it was all OK!

I managed to get a few shots of Leah (beautiful curly locks) and Laura (beautiful straight locks!) when they were using the face paints after the kids had all gone. It was difficult to choose a shot tonight, as I had 53 decent shots, post editing, and to be honest, the other 300 captured the essence of the afternoon pretty well too.

But when I was compiling these shots into a composite, it made me reflect on a number of things, aside from the fact that the two of them are really quite beautiful - naturally so - no make up, no tweaking. But what I think came out in these shots is how wonderfully relaxed and composed both of them are, even when there are kids rampaging around, babies to feed and so on. But the shot that I love the most, I think, is the one where Leah is painting Laura's face - because to me that captures the trust, respect, sense of fun and real friendship that these two share.

Leah has been a part of Laura's life for as long as I have known Laura, which is at least 15 years. They have grown up together, shared all the triumphs and let downs of teenage years, grown into adulthood together, and have stood side by side through good times and some pretty horrendous times to.

And I know that they love and respect each other immensely. And I'm glad that Laura has someone like that in her life.

It makes me a little wistful though ...I've never really done the 'girlie' best friends thing - am wondering a little bit whether I have missed out!

Had a great chat with my dad as well, and after the 'after party' had wound down, James and I went and parked at my dads, watched the final set of the Mens Final (bloody hell that went on a bit - James was SO bored!) and mooched about.

The older I get, the more I appreciate my family - in all its vast, extended madness. I am really very lucky.

I am uploading to here- Dad - there will be about 45 photos on there when its finished, so keep popping back if they're not all there - will bring them down on a CD for you and for Ad and Laura on friday :-)

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