My brave little soldier

Me, James and Jack went to Asda today. James and Jack were playing "Transformers" on the way and were running around like boys do. Then James became a flying machine for a brief moment, and landed with a thump and a skid.

This is the cleaned up, but resultant mess, on his leg. He was very brave. No tears. Told me he was fine (his eyes told me otherwise!). It obviously was stinging in the bath as well, but he tough-ed it out!

It actually doesn't look too bad in the picture - it looks more angry in real life.

In other news:
OFSTED have departed. Spent all day today catching up on the work that I didn't do last week because the inspector called!

One of my friends got home on friday to find that the Police had raided her house - IN ERROR - they had secured it and left a note to contact them. They have assured her that they will pay to make everything good again. And the Inspector is calling on her on Monday night - I assume to offer an apology!

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