Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

Es is out of the car...

...our last full day here but Es made it out of the car today on most of our's a miracle!

We started the day at Five Fingers Strand, a beautiful stretch of sand. There's been a fair bit of erosion here over the few years we have been visiting this beach...we arrived last year to find half of the small parking area missing:-/

We then moved onto Malin Head, the most northerly point on the island of Ireland. The last day we visited here we could hardly see our hands in front of our faces. Not today, it was a gorgeous day.

It was then back to Ballyliffin for an ice-cream and a coffee at Nancy's Barn a lovely wee coffee shop wee found on our visit last year.

Then, yet another couple of hours on that Ballyliffin beach:-)

Our meal tonight was in McGrory's in Culdaff, as was our meal on our first night.

And an attempt to squeeze every last bit out of this was back to stretch the Weims legs along Culdaff beach.

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