West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Twin Trouble

It was another glorious day, my mind was not focused today as my friend from University passed away having lost a long battle with two brain tumours. I heard the news late last night from one of my former cohorts. Tony was 34, struck down in his prime I was sad for his family but grateful that his suffering was finally over.

The twins had endured a trip to Tesco and then played contentedly between the field and their pool in the garden. I felt a need to spoil them, to take and let them do something totally fun and so off we went to play crazy golf at the dinosaur themed mini golf. The twins had a blast and demonstrated a deft touch with a putter. The dinosaurs are huge anomatronics with a soundtrack to give a wonderful creepy feeling a la Jurassic Park.

When we finished they asked if they could go to Bowling and see the shipwrecks and so we drove the short distance and they ran off away in front along the broken down quay and break water to explore, I could here shouts of it being like being in a Famous Five story. I sat and watched them explore, and climb, I watched the river and thought of Tony and shed a tear at his passing.

Today was another day I was thankful for my few close friends. Hearing a welcome voice lifted my spirits as it always does but today seemed more welcoming than ever.

No history, lyrics or words of wisdom today, today an indulgence, thankful that I am recovering more every day and that I am still here to enjoy the laughter and success of the twins as they grow and to enjoy the company of the friends I need and love in my life.
Enjoy the shot and again take the time to tell those you value and hold dear just what they mean to you

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