Tall Ships...Part Deux

I made a late decision to go see the tall ships again. My Dad and I watched them arrive yesterday.

I waited until high noon, for Shelley (Naturelover) to see a ceremony that her granddaughter was in. Then...we sailed off to Bay City.

Shelley and her husband Al have a small sailboat at their lake house, soooo she fancies herself as a sailboaterwoman, a lady of the sails.

Among many other pictures, I put a shot of her checking the ropes on my FLICKR PAGE. Row over there, and have a look.

Great to see so many people out, and enjoying themselves. The only trouble with that many people? Long, long lines to be able to board the boats. (Waiting has never been one of my strengths.)

One of us arrived in Bay City without a valuable piece of equipment. Hint #1. It wasn't Shelley. "HOW CAN YOU SHOOT OFF ON A PHOTOGRAPHY TRIP...AND FORGET YOUR CAMERA?" I was so mad that I bent over, and had one of the pirate's wenches kick me in the hindquarters.

Luckily, I had a backup camera hidden in the bowels of my van. Still...ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!

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