Mad dogs and....

...Englishmen go out in the midday sun.

But that's not usually in our own country.
We're all enjoying this heatwave. How are we going to go back to overcast skies and summer rain ?

It was wonderful in Stratford-on-Avon today. There was a morris dancing festival (called Foxtrot for some commercial reasons) and the town was full of happy, colourful nutters.

waiting their turn

I'm just nipping into town, dear

When we English struggle to identify our "national dress", some joker always suggests morris dancers. The Welsh and the Scots have respectable outfits for "state" occasions. We have maypoles and bells.....

But combine it with good wine and lovely sunshine and it isn't all bad :-)

We'd actually gone to the bard's town for a great reason - the magnificent production of "As you like it" which made the morris dancers look sane and restrained. It was wild, wonderful..... and I can imagine Will would have thoroughly approved.

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