A tiny longhorn Pseudovadonia livida beetle feasts on the nectar of pepper saxifrage Silaum silaus at Upwood Meadows NNR. Pete and I went out surveying first thing, but it was almost too hot by 10 am, and by midday we had to admit defeat.

After a cooling bath, I braved town to look for something to wear for Chris's graduation on Monday. I had bought an outfit suitable for a normal English summer's day, but not suitable for the high temperatures which are now forecast. Fortunately the heat had kept many people away, and the experience was less harassing than I'd anticipated.

I cam home to find a garden full of young people enjoying a barbecue, which Pete and I were invited to share. No cooking dinner - perfect!! Heavy storms in the area put paid to our idea of doing more fieldwork in the cool of the evening, so we even treated ourselves to a small glass of white wine :)

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