
A morning of pottering, drawing, reading and the like. My girls have got friendly with some of the local kids and now quite regularly rush up to us saying things like "We'rejustgoingdowntheretoplaywithXYandZwewontbelongisthatalrightseeyou!" and before it's all computed in our grown-up brains they've whizzed off in a blur of t-shirted-bare-arms and shorted-bare-legs just leaving behind the faint aroma of sun cream and realization that we can actually have A Bit Of Free Time. Bliss.

For the afternoon we went up to Rothesay, and then up and over past Port Bannatyne to get to Ettrick Bay. A big long, stretch of sand that started off with about 10 metres of beach before the tide went out half way over to Arran and it took forever to get anywhere nearly deep enough for swimming. But swim we did, in the sea, and it wasn't warm in there by any stretch of the imagination, but we came out with big grins and a sense of achievement every time, and if it hadn't been for the psychological impact of the non-stinging jellyfish floating around (I know they're pretty harmless those type, but still, would you really want to get one in your face?) we might still well be in there, bobbing around. A beautiful afternoon then, and the just-about-to-close tea rooms at the end of the beach still had some ice creams in the fridge when we left.

Have no idea what entertainment the evening provided for us. I started writing down what we did each day so I wouldn't forget when I wrote all this up but all I have for today is simply "Pottering morning, Ettrick Bay afternoon", I'm presuming there was food, drink and staring at the sea for wildlife. Sitting in the garden at the table with book, a cold beer and binoculars close to hand.

Music for today - I've gone all shoegaze just thinking about that shallow bay from the afternoon.

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