Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

Say 'Cheese'

I can't quite believe how much I crammed into today. Starting off with a play with the wee man, we slunk off for a quick swim at the Commonwealth Pool. We returned for breakfast before I cashed in a delightful present from Nikki by spending the afternoon studying portrait photography at Stills Gallery. The course included an introduction to lighting and composition techniques for portraiture, as well as providing guidance on shutter speed, aperture, lenses, and other visual controls. I finally got my hands on studio flash lighting and explored the basic techniques in formal and informal portrait photography. Needless to say I now have a couple of flash lights on my 'wishlist'. Here's a photo of one of my fellow classmates. It was a bit rushed from an artistic point of view but I learned an awful lot technically.

After walking me home from the course, we sat down to dinner as a family, gave the wee man his bath and finally laid him down for the night. I then sneaked off to work at 8pm to put in a few late night hours before sliding quietly into bed in the earlier hours of Sunday morning.

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