Gives you wings???

If thats the case, why do they need so many cars????

We nipped to the pub this afternoon for a colleagues birthday - there were a couple of the red bull cars dotted around when we got there.

when we left, they had all arrived and lined up at the front of the hotel that we drink at. And there were more coming in too. It was like the Italian Job, except weird, and in Bury!

Picture quality is pants because it was done on my phone (the one day I don't have my camera bag with me!!!)

Have a nice night everyone - its 6pm and I haven't had anything to eat yet today (apart from a Farley's rusk at 8.30 this morning) - so I am off to have tea and then sleep, because today has been horrendously busy.

PS - Thanks for the comments yesterday - Corin was made up! And I think I might have finally got him round to the idea of creating a journal of his own!!

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