Billboard Hits

By chicklet

Working My Way Back To You

Four Seasons 1966

This one gets A for effort and F for execution, sigh.
Out for my evening stroll with the camera and there's a fabby little ant scuttling along with a wing of some kind several times his size....and then there's me on my knees in white trousers, arse in the air getting honked at by passing cars trying to snap him.
I managed to take about 20 until he got home and his wife came out to meet him and they disappeared into their *lovely* home....(it's a conservationa area dahling).

I carried on my walk feeling smug and quite sure I had a super blip for the night, got home and would you believe this is the best one!
Useless. But look at that loverly, in focus, er, pavement dirt at the top!

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