No 19: Marbled White

It's been quite a while since I blipped a new butterfly. There are a number of reasons for this:
1. There aren't that many of them
2. Last summer was pretty much a washout
3. They don't always pose nicely
Today seemed like a perfect day for intrepid butterfly hunters like ourselves to venture forth to SSSI Anston Stones, which is probably one of the best sites for them anywhere.
We were not disappointed. We saw:
Small tortoiseshell
Small Skipper
Large Skipper
Large White
Speckled Wood
Meadow Brown
2 Fritillary sp.
Possible dingy skipper
6 spotted Burnet Moth
and, my target for the day:
Marbled White.
They were introduced to the site, I believe, in the 1980's and they seem to be thriving. We were beating them off with a stick in the warm sunshine today.

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