One River: From Trickle to Babble

Well and truly underway with my journey now. The Don is still a small river, and is followed by a very pleasant stretch of the Trans-Pennine Trail which I walked today between the hamlet of Dunford Bridge, and the first town along its course - Penistone. The trail is quite easy walking and this section has lots of interest - information boards about industrial heritage, notable events and wildlife. There are also wildflower areas, picnic sites and wonderful vistas in places. The river is not always visible but never very far away and although there are a few detours that could be made to get closer, it would take too long to try and do this. However, mental notes made of quite a few places to return to and explore further, for example a small nature reserve rejoicing in the name Wogden Foot . This is a small section of the river about a mile and a half into my walk and three and a half miles from the start point of the river. The weather was cooler and duller than forecast, which made walking more comfortable.

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