
By Tryfan46

To whom do these boats belong?

A lovely walk along the seafront through Whitstable today, revealing many boats hauled up on the shingle. This is just one example of boats and boat paraphernalia that litter this stretch of coastline and many others. They've been here a long time judging by the weeds growing around them.

Which bring me onto another point - our coastal marinas - always full of boats but you rarely see people on them or the boats being used. It could just be that we're there when they're not, but I've seen so many marinas and so few boats not used that I don't understand why so few boats are not used. They cost money to buy, money to maintain (or not in some cases) and money to moor so why aren't they used?

It's a bit of sour grapes really, because one of my ambitions is to have my own boat, nothing grand, a small yacht will suffice! Perhaps if we move to near the Lakes in the future that will be the time to see if we can invest in one and go pottering (sailing) on the Lakes. Perhaps, then I'll join the ranks of people who keep their boats in the marina and never use them.

A good long walk, unintentional, as we only went for the cool coastal breeze and while the breeze was evident at times it was really just as hot on the coast. Nice cup of tea and half a muffin went down very well too.

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