
By Tryfan46


The courgettes are doing well now. Prepared the ground well, manure and mound, with flowerpot in the ground adjacent to the plant to take water down to the roots. Looking for lots of ways to use courgettes in cooking now. Had barbecued courgettes and raw in salad, risotto to come I suspect.

This is a new variety for us- Jemmer F1 and its golden skinned fruit add an extra dimension to the garden. We're also growing the trusty Defender variety too.

I like the structural nature of this plant which is why I took this shot from above. Nice pattern set off by the yellow fruit.

Spent the morning in a school discussing their website, which we're going to do for them. Went to the gym in the afternoon for a run, cooler in there than running outside, then to the primary school for a governors' meeting.

Some animal has been enjoying our allotment plot. Found it'd had been lying in amongst the leeks and beans, squashing and bending them. Always something isn't there?

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