
By Brotographer

Aperture f/fake2.8

Embarrassingly sub-par photo here, apologies. Playing with a new lens.

Photographic tech stuff:
I was playing around with the new Tamron 90mm f/2.8 Photosoc has acquired for Nikon. I've loved this lens for the last couple years, so was very excited not to have to use the Canon one anymore. Turns out there was a little surprise in the Nikon one though. It seems the supposedly fixed f/2.8 aperture is not fixed throughout the whole focal range of the lens. I didn't even know certain primes did this, I thought it was limited to zoom lenses. But anyways, both the Canon and Nikon lenses gradually decrease in aperture towards f/4 when you hit a focal length of less than 3 metres.
The only reason I figured it out is because the Nikon lens actually tells you this while the Canon pretends the aperture is still f/2.8.
So does this change my love for the lens? It's certainly tainted my impression of it but I don't see why I should like it any less, since despite this drawback, it's given me great photos, especially photographing sports. That makes sense I suppose as I tend to be at a distance of more than 3 metres when shooting sports. Anyways, make of it what you want, it's still a great lens I recommend everybody try out.

Campus is so much livelier than I would have ever expected. Except from all the conference attendees and researchers milling about, there's a lot of students here, either working jobs or doing research. The piazza is busyish when the sun comes out and its pleasant. The sun has been out for the most part since I've arrived so that's been excellent. Also, my office is a pretty awesome fresh workspace (which I have yet to blip) because of the giant windows and how vast it is in IDL.
I'm no longer feeling sleepy at my desk, which means I've finally returned to a normal sleeping cycle! I didn't really do anything today except for work and visit Erin in her new office at SUHQ.


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