Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Lunching Munching Lorikeet

All day in the 'Rif today. Some good meetings: peer review, physical health committee, academic seminar. Pity the grand round was cancelled; that would have rounded it out nicely. In the afternoon I spoke with one of the other shrinks about a patient who had been under my care for a long time, and was now under his; he had asked me for a second opinion, so we discussed the case, and then I saw the person to talk about where things were at for them, and what they thought about the plans. It was nice to sit and talk with them, and I think at least part of the outcome was really quite hopeful - so that was good.

In-between times I wandered about lorikeet-hunting. I was not happy with most of the pictures I got, but I quite like this one - which you can see large here.

Kids went back to school today. It was striking how happy they both were when. Got home. As much as they enjoyed the holidays (at least the second week, when Missy's chicken-pox wasn't imposing house arrest), they're really happy t be back at school. Missy-moo particularly was beaming fit to burst, and told me everything was "great! ... Awesome! ... No wait! A quintillion awesome!". So that was lovely. 8)

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