The River Pattack

I took the bike tonight to investigate a new possible dog walk route.

I headed in the general direction of Loch Pattack from the Kinloch Laggan gate house bridge to Ardverikie. This approach proved to be very rough until the track from Gallovie to Pattack was joined. There after the cycling, though soft, bumpy in places and with sustained up hill gradient, was more comfortable.

It was beautiful up here tonight but the unexpected rough start dented my progress and I stopped short of my intended destination -Loch Pattack- by about a mile. There are plenty of pools for swims and big, sheepless, open spaces so Bruce and Caley will approve.

This is my turning point, a substantial if dilapidated bridge over the River Pattack. From here there is a tantalising glimpse of Ben Alder and its other remote neighbours. Another day maybe.

I took a couple of photos, had my pear and didn't touch the Snickers bar in the bottom of the rucksack. I decided to return by Gallovie although it would put an extra easy mile on to my return on A86 bitmac to get to the car. When I started back pedal power was no longer an issue and I was constantly grabbing big handfuls of brake lever to shed some speed. Self preservation and comfort was the motivation for all this braking. My bike is not of the suspension generation so you feel every bone jarring bump. In no time at all it seemed I had joined the A86 at Gallovie and minutes later was back at the car.

Now I can tell Bruce and Caley the good news.

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