
The blur of life is so bizarre
Do we know who we are
Are we really in this world
Do we exist all in a whirl
Do we have bodies that move about
Do we have lungs and a mouth to shout
Is it possible we're only minds
Having dreams to pass the time
Out in nowhere all alone
No blood no flesh not a single bone
Reincarnation Deja Vu as well
Other dreams Who can tell
Rod Serling said a lifetime can be
dreamt in one minute
Is this just a dream Are you in it
Are you real or did I create you
Did I get lonely and decide to make you
I've often wondered if I'm still four years old
Dreaming in a minute a lifetime tenfold
Twenty thirty eighty more
Before I wake to be just four
Is this what we really are
Why does life seem so bizarre

poem by Diane Coghill

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