
By Anniemay


This is my old denim jacket. I have always had this, possibly weird, belief that denim jackets should have badges on them. I don't wear this jacket any more but if I ever get badges I still put them on here.

I suppose if you found it there would be a few clues about what kind of person it belongs to (or maybe not). At least two of them are from art exhibitions. There's a little Lowry person from the Lowry museum in Salford and the clouds are from a Magritte exhibition we went to in the Liverpool Tate. The robin on there is an RSPB badge but robins were my Dad's favourite bird so for me it's a reminder of him. There are a couple of other charity things and of course some bike badges. The two angels were given to me by my Mum. They're supposed to look after me. I don't think she ever believed I could do it myself (still doesn't). New Labour, New Britain. That's an old one from when I believed Tony Blair was the answer to the country's problems (I keep thinking I should take that one off but it takes me back to those days of hope, even though the promises never materialised). 'You're not the Boss of me' sounds like the statement of an independent person but in fact it was bought for me by my eldest son and his then girlfriend (now wife) because I could never remember the last word of the song that accompanied the programme 'Malcolm in the Middle' which we all used to watch together. You're not the boss of me now, and you're not so........................... .........BIG!!! Yay, I remembered (actually I didn't, I had to Google it).

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