Buddy Yamaha

By richie_rollover

Exhibition time

It's that time of year at the college again when the term is coming to an end and the art, design and fashion students start exhibiting their work. I had an evening class last night in digital photography, a colleague does the photo side and I do the Photoshop bit. I headed up to the studio to grab some bits and pieces off my colleague before the class started and it was chaos. Two of the three areas had been taken over by the fashion students and their models to get shots of their creations for displaying.

Today when I got in ordinarily bland areas of the college were being decorated with all sorts of bright and colourful things. I decided to get some shots of the art going up in different parts of the college. This was about my favourite of them, there was just something about the light in this shot that caught my eye.

Oh, and despite how it looks the students in the shot were working furiously to get things prepped for going up on the white wall next to them. I'll maybe go back when it's completed and get a before and after shot.

We're off into the Royal Infirmary this evening to see my Granny who is in her eighties and tripped over something in one of her friends houses on Wednesdayleg. It sounds like quite a nasty break as it will need pinned, however when I called the ward,to check on visiting times and confirm I had the right one, the tone the nurse employed when she said 'oh yes, Nettie is in this ward' suggested that she's in pretty good spirits.

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