Head of the lake

Tiny Tussock reporting

The business is done but probably not dusted. It is hard to get anything properly dusted in Christchurch and the process will continue for quite a while but by the time The Bossess has to come back her finger will be drivable The Boss hopes.

It was a leisurely return to home but the day actually started here. I really hate this place as the smells are enough to drive a little stuffed dog crazy and The Boss being basically not very hungry only had 2 pancakes with a side of bacon and 10 gallons of Canadian Maple Syrup plus another side of toast all washed down with zero. The Bossess had eggs Hollandaise with salmon and 2 lattes and almost forgot that her finger hurt. I had a ring side seat, and the waitress thought I was cute.
Oh and The Boss did intend to include me in the shot (see above link) but the waitress took the menus away after taking the B's orders as she considered leaving them a potential health hazard. (The Menu's not The B's)

This place is the all time favourite eating place for the B's which probably says a lot about their total lack of exotic culinary desires.

On the way home we passed Tekapo and this was going on at the head of the lake so The Boss had to get all serious with tripods and stuff.

AND tomorrow I will go back into retirement with

The Return of Tussock....Applause!!!.....No....Oh.....Ok then, silence is golden.

Soar like a bird?

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