This Is A Poet

This Is A Poem

This is a poem. A poem. A poem.
This is a poem. It is.

This is a poem. A brand new poem.
A brand new poem is this.

Now this is a poem. A nervous poem.
See how it trembles and shakes.

And this is a poet. A petrified poet.
Look at his boots. How he quakes.

But a poet's gotta do what a poet's gotta do
so he has to stay here for as long as it takes
to stay here and tremble and shake.

Because this is his poem. His poem. His poem.
This is his poem.

And you know what poems are,
you've seen 'em in books,
keeping right on to the end of the line.

Sometimes they rhyme,
not all of the time,
and sometimes you're not really sure whether they are poems or not.

But this is a poem. A poem. a poem.
This is a poem. It is.

O this is a poem. A poem. A poem.
This is a poem.

It is?

This is John Cooper Clarke

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