Efficiency Measures...

This morning I put Bethany's Cheerios on the table. She informed me that she'd get her spoon. She came through with 3 spoons.

When I asked her why she had 3 spoons, she replied "So I can eat my Ceerios faster!".

When she asked about the 2 coffees on the table, I told her that I needed to drink my coffee faster.


Notes on the Picture
This is the result of my coffee machine rebirth from a few days ago. I can now created froth of this calibre in about 5 seconds flat.

I'm not sure if there is a name for this combination and order of milk and coffe I use, maybe any barristas out there could enlighten me.

I make the espresso, fill a cup half of milk. Froth that milk up to fill the cup. Pour the espresso into the frothed milk. If it has no name, it is now the FrappaTractor.

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