Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

You've reached how many blips?

200 to be precise.

This image came to me when I was creating yesterday's face off picture. Once I had finished it, it occurred to me that it was like one of those cartoon characters showing surprise and that's where I got the title of this blip from as I'm surprised to have made it this far without ever missing a blip. I'm on holiday for 2+ weeks in August. I think keeping up will prove difficult then. I may just have to back blip a whole load of pictures.

Rachel called in last night and showed us a video of her class (year 6) rehearsing their end of year performance. It was very good and 2 things struck me about it. Children of that age today seem more grown up that I'm sure we were at the same age, and much more confident. Maybe the confidence is not true of all children. Possibly it is a reflection of the way Rachel has educated them. If so, all credit to her.

Whilst we were talking, I said something and in that moment, the way I said it, what I said, my whole deportment - it could have been my dad. Does anyone else ever get that feeling that just for a fleeting moment, they are their parents. Anyway, this has inspired me to create another photo which will be tomorrow's blip.

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