Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


The weather is changing that is. Clouds and drizzle blew in this evening but there was some rather nice colour to the west. I did not get out of work in time to catch it in it's full glory but there was a streak of colour still left by the time I got to Redhead beach.

I just couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning for the sunrise after a late night. We came fourth at Trivia. One of the additional sheets of questions was forming the titles of Steven Seagal films. There were 18 of them with three word titles. I only knew one and noone else on the table could help. I can't believe by trial and error and a lot of guesswork I got 13 right. Can you believe it.

Anyhoo blippers. Friday is here again and so is the weekend. I plan to do as little as possible.

Oh and they are not sensor spots on the sea but some surfers. There were 12 tankers that I could see and no filters were used on this shot.

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