Jones Journal

By MeeshJ


It's party night at Guides, with a Disney theme. H is Perdita, the mum of 101 dalmatians. It's so hot as I've walked her and a friend in to town their face paint is melting. Lots of drivers have slowed down and looked at them smiling. The Brownies were leaving as we arrived and shouted to warn her Cruella De Ville was inside. It was her Guide leader, who ran over and hugged her, pleased she'd actually got a Dalmatian.

It was too hot to put Eddie in his cage last night so he was free to roam. I was rudely awakened at 5am when he jumped on the bed on to my feet, walked up my legs and back, over my head, flopped down on my pillow and loudly proceeded to clean his bits and pieces! I was not impressed.

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