My Aim is True


kind of

How great are the new features!? I have distributed one of my hearts already. And am mulling over where I shall put the others. Goodness, three's not enough, but then it will make us very careful in our selections, won't it?

However, not matter how technically good the blip is, I will not be distributing my hearts on any blips that cause queasyness (wee beasties, scabs, ,deid things and jobbies.)

Tonight I was so late home that I had to go to the deli for my wine,10 mins before closing. So it was full of jakies, drunks and ne'er-do-wells. In order that the staff didn't think I fell into any, or all, of those categories I bought a bottle of wine more expensive than the norm. But, by jove, it's tasty.

While driving home I heard two interviews on the radio, I missed who the first one was, but I think it was Irvine Welsh, and he used the words "kind of" at least once in every sentence he uttered. The actress (very "yah" type, who is in the new H potter film) who was interviewed after said "kind of" 17 times in about 5 minutes. Itwas kind of irritating listening to them both.

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