Cool Hospital

It was a long hot day today. I know, I know, complaining about the weather is a full time job and someone has to do it! I have had it with the heat wave! There is no escaping the sun, the humidity, the sweating and the awful sluggishness. You go to bed warm, wake up warm and sweat all day. That is with the air-conditioning going full speed! Our electric bill will probably be higher than the mortgage payment this month!
So what do you do when you just cannot beat the heat? Well my son happened to have surgery on his knee today due to a torn meniscus. As I walked through the hospital doors from outside I was hit was blast of cool, no, cold air! The hospital was so delightfully comfortable! It was definitely better than my house was! While sitting in the surgical waiting room I was positively giddy with relief. I felt my energy come back and my frown disappear. I took this shot while my son was in recovery and we were waiting to see him. I did not mind at all that we had to wait so long. I was cool for the first time in a week! He came through the surgery very well by the way and is now home resting.
On the way home, we saw some heat lightening and I heard rumbles of thunder. I was all set for a good storm and then nothing!! I was very disappointed. It has been said that humor helps everything. Well I saw a few funny statements about the weather today that made me smile.
The best thing about a heat wave is constantly having the illusion you are getting exercise.
During this time of excessive heat, please dress for your own body and not the body you want to have.
Something interesting to observe during a heat wave is tourists and their deep regret to come here.

Ok they weren't all that funny but maybe one of them made you smile. I hope so anyway. I'm off to take a cool shower and lay on cotton sheets with a paddle fan hi speed. Be well everyone!

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