
By antipodean

Packing (again)

What a lazy lazy day today was! I spent a lot of it trying to figure out what was wrong with Tabby, she seemed extra paranoid and in need of cuddles. Here she is hiding half under the bed, just in case she needs to make a run for it...

I had a lovely lie in this morning, and then got up to make a yummy brunch. The morning was going quite nicely until a post on facebook alerted me of an atrocious full page ad by the government about the new refugee policy. My good mood disappeared - I was so furious about it that I almost cried. Instead, I used my anger to do something productive: I joined the Greens.

I never thought I'd be a member of a political party at the age of 21 - in my mind, committing like that to one party seems premature given I've only been of voting age for three years - I've only ever voted once! But this policy is too much for me. I need the Greens to have more power because they're the only ones who are speaking sense right now, and I'm willing to be a member, to volunteer on the campaign, to march through the streets if need be. Who knows, this could be the start of a long political career...

The rest of the day was spent organising and packing because I'm off to Sydney tomorrow! No rest for the wicked, I suppose. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I organised both my trips so close to one another. I don't mind, though, because I am SO EXCITED to see Divya. I also get to see my cousin and her little girl (who looks adorable in the photos I've seen) so I think it's going to be a nice few days. It's the first time I've been up to Sydney since I went to the Sydney Uni open day in year 12. It's weird to think I almost moved cities to go to uni there! I'm pretty glad I didn't, in the end.

I don't know why I love this photo so much, but I do. It reminds me of old film photos, because it's kind of washed out and it's at a funny angle. The doona in the left corner annoys me, but I tried cropping it and it actually lost some of what makes it an interesting photo, so I kept it in.

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