A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


Dinner, drinks and chocolate al fresco are usually signs of summer for us. But a bit later. And in a different country. What with this and getting good at sports, we'll start saying g'day mate next.

The end of term is so close I can very almost touch it.

Thought not before one more webinar in the room with so little air I think I might need an oxygen tank. After today's I had to go straight to the shower to cool off. Thoughts of taking my trousers off, newsreader style, ran though my head but it would be so wrong I think I might have to just deal with it.

And as the world BBC went bonkers over the impending birth I was delighted to take sanctuary in the genius of the Guardian website's Republican? button.

Still, shouldn't really grumble about the opportunity to give the kids another important life lesson in inherited power.

Lesley x

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