Chopsticks in my Boots

After waking up with Goblins the other morning......I found some chopsticks in my boots.
I have to mention that in Australia it is not unusual for something to crawl into ones boots for a wee kip. So I did let out a squeal when I put on my boot only to find that on further investigation was a pair of Lime green chopsticks......Flynn thought it was very funny when I reenacted my response.

I didn't post last night....I had a biopsy on my head and it made me feel a bit rotten. Some smart blippers Rainie have emergency blip boxes...I'm gonna have to get me one.
I spent time down at the river this afternoon and came home a little disappointed there were no clouds in the sky hence very little color...Managed to get a Pelo having afternoon tea.

Thank you all so much for the fabulous comments hearts and stars for Flynn at the beach with his bucket...he would blow you all kisses but he is full of snot right now...poor little guy.

"The body is a device to calculate the astronomy of the spirit."
--Rumi (not the dog)

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