
3years 275days

I got a delivery of a new tutu a few days ago. Katie's had her eye on it since it arrived as it was hung in my office. Today I let her try it. She twirled and danced to her hearts content for a while. Before declaring it a bit itchy. But that she liked the pretties on the front!

She apparently was rather out of sorts at nursery this afternoon - last night there was an almighty thunderstorm for much of the night so she was awake a lot in the night. They called me to come for her mid afternoon, although she very quickly perked up when I took her back home. Lesley told me "not even me singing the Mary Poppins songs made her smile". Not that long before tea time, we heard the chimes of the ice cream van, coming down our street for the first time this season. Bad timing, Mister Ice cream man!! But she enjoyed her ice cream, sat on the sun lounger beside the pool, Mummy dipping her feet in. We both ended up in the pool fully dressed. And fully soaked. Lots of fun though.

Granny and Grandad came just as tea was finishing with its cooking, so we enjoyed indian together. I checked my computer and discovered the Royal Baby was about to be taken home and asked her if she wanted to see the new prince coming out of the hospital. My mother, me, Katie all ended up lying on the floor watching the laptop, to my father's amusement. "Come on, bring the baby out" Katie was telling the computer. She waited very patiently though and enjoyed seeing him for the brief time! I nearly blipped her watching his first appearance as a part of her social history, but twirling pretty dresses won on this occasion. However, she was very adorable- after he'd come out she saw people with the union flag so of her own accord ran and found her badge of it and wanted that on. She does like to join in with a good occasion!

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