Scarlett O'Hara

By scarlett

Comic and Tragic

Two very distinct contrasts to my day.

First, the wonderful May Day festival in Moulton, where the sun shone and the parade was funny, full of colour and life. Most of the village turned out as it usually does and we had a lovely time.

The second part of my day couldn't have been more different. I live off a very busy and fast main road and there are often accidents. As I came out of the lane, wanting to turn right, I was confronted with a horrific accident. A young family had smashed thier car into a tree, obviously going to fast to avoid a car turning left into my lane. I jumped out of the car and gave what little assistance I could. As it had just happened there were no emergency crew on scene, so I sat on the verge with the man, while his wife comforted the distraught child.

He kept saying over and over that it was his fault, and sadly, I think it was. I talked to him to keep him calm as we waited for the police and ambulance to arrive.

Every parent knows the fear and anguish of a child in pain and it was a heart wrenching time. Please parents, make sure your child has a seat belt on in the back seat.

I thought long and hard about posting this picture, but when I uploaded all the photo's of the May Day parade, this one made me smile, and I knew it was the right thing to do.

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