A time for everything

By turnx3

Chateau de la Bonde, Milly la Foret

Since we've now been in France for 9 days, it's high time I started posting some of the photos I have taken since we arrived. Today was my first day with my own set of wheels. We had bought a car when we were over on our house-hunting trip, from a couple with the same company who returned to the US just before we left. However, it had taken some time to get the insurance settled, so we weren't able to pick it up until yesterday evening. I celebrated by driving over to the attractive village of Milly la Foret. I wanted somewhere easy to drive to, without too much traffic, until I've rebuilt my confidence driving over here! Milly is perhaps best known for its large and impressive 15th century market hall, which will no doubt feature in my journal at a future time, but for today I chose this shot of two boys fishing in front of the Chateau de la Bonde, parts of which date back to the 12th century, but much of which was reconstructed around 1475, after the Hundred Years War, on the orders of Admiral de Graville. The hot weather continues, so as usual I spent a couple of hours by the pool in the late afternoon - such a tough life!! While I was wandering around Milly in the morning, taking pictures, I passed a nice-looking Moroccan restaurant, which I thought would make a nice change to French food, so in the evening Roger and I returned to Milly for a very enjoyable dinner.

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