
Back to Ditchling near Brighton for 6 days of Feldenkrais training. In my 4th year now. It's gone fast. Many of the others on the course are on it to qualify as practitioners. I'm on it as an investment in my flexibility as I grow older. If I'm going to live to be 100 as many of us increasingly are then I want to be fit enough to enjoy it! If possible. And Feldenkrais is about awareness through movement. It was developed by an amazing man called Moshe Feldenkrais who initially developed it to help himself recover from a stroke. Now it is much much more. Anyway for me there is a joy in spending the days on the floor learning to move with ease and grace. ( I have a long way to go!) An important contrast to sitting hunched over a computer screen which I often do.

I've blipped this windmill several times before. This is one of two - Jill (white) and Jack (black and neglected). They are striking features on the South Downs

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