
By amandoAlentejo

My Precious

Quick pre-dinner foray to Minworth, to see if J could find a bikini - what is it with this country - not even August and the shops are full of autumn clothes... On the way back, begged a visit to duckpond at Wishaw for a blip, as hadn't managed one photo all day. J won over the ducks and goose, especially with her Gollum pose. The water was bright green - we saw it being pumped out to irrigate potatoes the other day.

No photos because day was spent between stress of ordering food for Camp - I am in charge of cooking for 120 - and stress of trying to get my Mum into a suitable Home before we go. At one point, I was discussing the non-availability of meringue nests on the phone whilst trying to convince the social worker that, no, I wouldn't agree to whatever Home they decided.

But M, J and I have just eaten one of M's curries in the garden, and life seems more bearable.

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