Priceless copper

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The garden is yellow, but the small copper butterflies are on the wing, there were two chasing each other today... I'm hoping when August hits, so will the butterflies, so these are just the first, as in, the welcoming party, finger's crossed! :)

And Elgar Blackbird....

Deep Summer

Gym today, hard work, got home, found my blips & then felt utterly exhausted, so went to bed, caught up on sleep I've missed these last few early mornings for gym before Art Trek. Out all day tomorrow, seeing my best friend on Dartmoor, taking her to Tavistock. Haven't seen a while, she lives in Kent but her annual family holiday is spent in South Devon, so I get to see her, once a year is better then nothing a year! :) xxx

P.S It's raining! Hope it does this all tonight then the sun shines tomorrow....

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