Blippish Columbia

By OllieG90

Birthday Girl

After a weekend of Celebrations, today was my sister's actual birthday. She is twenty one today! Having been at work all day it was lovely to spend a bit of time this evening with her and my dad at the pub in the village.

Camilla and I have always been close, there has never been much sibling rivalry, nor has there been much sibling arguing even when we were small. Although I'm the older brother it usually feels like she is the elder one in our relationship (we used to joke through her teens that she was 15 going on 25). Shes the one with the long term boyfriend, career and importantly, career plan, as well as being a fantastic listener and offerer of advice. She is kind, thoughtful and absolutely mental when she is in the mood. She is also incredibly driven, quite stubborn and very opinionated, but all in the right measure to make her an absolute joy to be around. I don't like to use this space to wax lyrical but on a day like today I hope you'll excuse me. I'm incredibly proud of her and all her achievements. Since school she has always cared about helping others, first through a peer support network at school, then through visiting the Gambia to our sister school, and finally at uni where she eventually became head of fundraising for their charity organisation, Karnival, which raised a whopping £1.6million for charities this year, making it the most successful Raising and Giving university organisation outside of the USA. She has climbed Machu Picchu, Mount Kilimanjiro and cycled from London to Paris (having not ridden a bike for about 5 years) all in the name of Charity.

All in all, my sister is an incredible person who I love dearly and I look forward to what the next 21 years will bring


I tried to keep the portrait in colour rather than instinctively reaching for Black and White. I quite like it, but I'm sure there is more I could have done to make it pop

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