Kipper Cabin

By KipperCabin

Not Banksy

I don't know what goes on where you live, but where I live cheeky children tag lamp posts with spray paint ... higgledy piggledy tags, not Banksy style stuff. Although, if you paint a picture on your lamp post the kids won't tag it. On my route to work each day I pass loads of painted lamp posts and this is one of my favourites. There are four cats painted around the post and occaisionally all four of the actual cats are lounging on the sidewalk around the base. Quite an intriguing scene! I've impressed more than one visitor with a walk by. Each cat has a distinct look and is really quite well represented on the post.

This doesn't count as a cat photo, does it. But if I post a snap of the cats and the lamp post then that will count as a cat photo, won't it.

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