Posh poo?

Reminiscent of a flotilla of wind surfers, a huge flock of Green Veined White butterflies were feeding on minerals on a wet patch on the footpath.

I would like to think it was the overnight downpour that brought them to this particular point, but I have an inkling, due to the aroma and lie of the land, that it may be something to do with the lack of mains drainage at the big house!!

the 'feed well for £20' week is rushing by. It is now day six and I realise that I have over estimated the amount of fruit and veg it is possible to consume in a week!! Of course this means there will be more money to spend on other more interesting food items for next week. Having eaten chicken four days in a row, I have not defrosted the remaining half of the bird, instead I have 'swapped' it for next week and treated myself to £2 worth of bacon, just for a bit more variety.

Today's menu: Muesli for breakfast. BLT on brown bread for lunch and a huge bowl of salsa, pickled cucumber and croutons (from brown bread) this evening. + a couple of apples.

There was a power cut this morning (due to the wrong sort of rain on the lines, I expect) It made me realise how caffeine dependent I am - v grumpy until I got to work and had my fix.

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